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How to know you're pregnant with twins - signs, symptoms and myths

How to know you're pregnant with twins - signs, symptoms and myths

How to know you're pregnant with twins - signs, symptoms and myths

Finding out you’re pregnant is an unforgettable moment, but discovering you’re expecting twins? Well, that's a whole new ballgame!

Whilst a medical examination is of course the most reliable way to confirm a twin pregnancy, I've scoured the online sources, spoken with other twin parents, reflected on my own twin pregnancy and put together a list of hints that might suggest you’re carrying a double dose of baby!

(Disclaimer: this article is for entertainment only, and is not medical advice. Please seek advice from a registered medical practitioner for any issues associated with pregnancy or potential pregnancy).

Common Early Signs of Twin Pregnancy

1. Extreme fatigue as a sign of a twin pregnancy

Feeling extra tired? Like you could sleep for days, but it just won't make a difference to how you feel? Carrying twins often means your body is working overtime, leading to heightened fatigue, even in the earliest weeks. If you’re struggling to keep your eyes open during the day, this could be a clue.

When I was pregnant with my twins, I could barely keep my eyes open when I got home from work, and regularly passed out on the couch before I could even eat dinner. Making two babies is super exhausting! And this can all kick in during some of those very early weeks too.

2. Does severe morning sickness mean twins?

More babies generally means more hormones, and those hormones can mean much more morning sickness. Twin pregnancies can result in more intense nausea and morning sickness compared to singleton pregnancies, but this is super variable from person-to-person.

And remember, if you have had a previous pregnancy you might just feel worse straight out the gate anyway. My baby #4 (third pregnancy, singleton) was the absolute worst morning sickness of all of them for me! And yes, we asked at every checkup to make sure there wasn't another baby hiding in there 🤣

3. Does rapid weight gain mean twins?

If you’re noticing weight gain earlier in your pregnancy, it could be due to carrying two babies. This is often accompanied by a larger appetite to support both little ones. But again, this is super variable from person-to-person and pregnancy-to-pregnancy, so I'd say this is a pretty unreliable predictor in those early days!

4. Does a larger belly mean twins?

"Showing" earlier is a super common phenomenon experienced by the twin mums I've spoken to, particularly in subsequent pregnancies, but in those very early days, usually isn't a reliable indicator. General bloating might also be the problem, which is super common in all pregnancies (love those pregnancy side-effects).

However, once your pregnancy progresses, chances are that double dose of baby will take up a bit more real estate than a single baby!

5. Are intense cravings a sign of twins?

I'm sceptical on this one, because I didn't experience any cravings until well into my second trimester for all of my pregnancies? Are you a twin parent who found this was true? Let me know in the comments below!

Medical indicators of a twin pregnancy

1. High hCG levels in a twin pregnancy

Your hCG levels (the pregnancy hormone) can be higher in a twin pregnancy. Blood tests during the early weeks might hint at twins if levels are significantly elevated but these must be carefully interpreted and explained to you by your medical provider.

For me, I found that the positive pregnancy test was a bit of a telltale sign (in hindsight). The test line appeared before the control line! Looking back, I now know why.

2. Early ultrasound to identify twins

An ultrasound is the most definitive way to confirm twins. Many twin pregnancies are discovered during routine early scans, often before the 12-week mark. However, keep in mind that there are many tales of twins being missed in those super super early days! So make sure that you're consulting with a medical professional during the early part of your pregnancy to interpret any ultrasound results.

3. Twins via IVF

If you have undergone IVF, or like me, took any fertility / ovulation medication, then there may be an increased risk of twins. Again, your healthcare provider can take you through all of these risks. Make sure you ask heaps of questions if you're not sure about what your options are and what the potential outcomes are.

But if you've been through that process, then you might just have to cross your fingers and toes and wait to see the result!

Myths about twins (and what is true!)

It’s easy to fall for old wives’ tales, but some common myths about twin pregnancies aren’t necessarily reliable indicators. Here's a few gems I've found floating around online.

  • Myth: If your physician can only see one follicle at ovulation, then you can't have twins
    Reality: Me! This one's about me! I was scanned and told I only had one active follicle, but I still ended up with fraternal twins. Apparently there was another follicle that snuck in there.

  • Myth: Twins run in every family.
    Reality: Fraternal twins can run in families due to genetics, but identical twins occur randomly and aren’t influenced by family history. So it's not a reliable indicator for every situation.

  • Myth: You’ll feel double the movement early on.
    Reality: Feeling baby movements often depends on your body and pregnancy stage. Some mums of twins feel movement early, while others don’t until later. The position of your placenta (or placentas) also makes a big difference to this too. 

Remember, only a medical test can confirm a twin pregnancy, so consult your healthcare provider for clarity.

When to talk to your doctor

If you’re experiencing unusual or heightened symptoms, contact your healthcare provider. Regular prenatal care is even more essential with twins to ensure both babies (and you!) stay healthy throughout the journey.

Fun Twin Pregnancy Stories

Finding out you’re expecting twins is often a story worth sharing! Some parents learn at their first ultrasound appointment, while others suspect it due to family history or those unmistakable symptoms. We’d love to hear your twin pregnancy discovery stories in the comments below!

How to celebrate twins

Are you or someone you know expecting twins? Celebrate this incredible journey with twin-themed items from our store. From adorable baby outfits to gifts for expectant parents, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s to the amazing adventure of twin parenthood—double the love, double the joy, and double the memories!

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